Now fight the big yellow slime in cave 2 to get an ongiri and if u are lucky u will get the fire bomb Step 7 : You should be at lv 6 and maxed out the glove. Hungdeptrai07How to speedrun the game ( part 2 ) from new save file meanwhile drag someone to the bridge in the upper left and kill the doll i mean stickman which might drop useful items Step 13 : go to the terraced cave and kill the green snakes they drop lots of exp and will help u level up. DOn't forget to go to the central cavity to unlock the quick travel area. after that you will unlock the next stage of the game with the fourth guy, which will be the battery guy since you will invest all sp for lp, and get silk hat for him. meanwhile let the melee guy attack the big fish. The middle guy and the ranged guy should be in 1 spot to take down the small fish. Now go to the big water area in cave 4 and drop everyone into the lake. For weapons, use maxed out glove and lv 2 bash for the melee guy, lv 2 spear and lv 3 lancer ( if u can kill the pink tree in cave 3 for lightning lance and upgrade it to lv 2 )for the middle guy, and lv 3 lightning ball and lv 2 lightning orb which is dropped by the big blue gel in cave 4 for the ranged guy. Step 12 : you should be at lv 9-10 by now. Hungdeptrai07How to speedrun the game ( part 3 ) from new save file with maxed out ice bomb and craft amulet it will only need 8 emit which is quite good Step 16 : killing the blue upside down trees in terraced cave to get the ice bomb and upgrade it to max level for it to be effective.

During that, you can kill the big green gel 10 times, click 20 gold marks and more stuff in the medal section of cave 1 but after finishing all of that you will obtain the craft amulet so equip that for p3. I recommend you to farm for high combo bonus in cave 1 since they are weak and the combo bonus are nice to have. Kill them to get the iron sword and barrage spear.

Also if you have killed the stickman before fighting the boss, a lot of sickman will appear on the bridge. after killing the boss collect its ongiri and possibly a lightning shot if lucky. make sure to dodge the fireball and the blazes they do great amount of fire at. Drag everyone under that bridge to fight the boss of this area.

Hungdeptrai07How to speedrun the game ( part 4 ) from new save file